• Tuesday, October 15, 2019

    Latest Node.js Interview Questions by 2020 : Coding Tag

    If you are looking for a career to be a mean stack developer, then you must learn node js online first before moving to the interview questions. Once you are done with the learning of the concept of the node.js then only you will be able to crack the interview for being a stack developer. This compilation of top node.js interview question will help you to answer the interview questions effectively and efficiently.

    Let’s get started now

    1.      What is node.js?
    Node.js is a open-source sever management that follows Google’s V8 JavaScript engine.  We can use node.js for the purposes such as for creating scalable programs.

    2.         What are promises in Node.js?
    Promise in Node.js refers to a certain value which is returned by the asynchronous function in order to signify the process completion.

    3.      What do you mean by REPL in Node.js?
    REPL in Node.js stands for Read, Eval, Print, and Loop. It used to handle the file reading process in order to create a CLI (Command Line Interface) application.

    4.      What is test pyramid in Node.js?
    Test pyramid in Node.js is a sequential representation of how the automated tests must be handled in Node.js. It implies the basic idea that there must be a higher number of unit tests at a lower level as compared to the wider block tests at a higher level for GUI development.

    5.       What is callback hell? How can callback hells be avoided in Node.js?
    Callback hell in Node.js is a situation which occurs when one tries to execute multiple asynchronous methods one by one simultaneously. There are three major methods which can be used to avoid callback hells in Node.js:
        Using Promises
        Using Async.js
        Using Async-wait

    So that was it! To learn more, you can also visit Node Js Interview Questions.

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