• Wednesday, July 10, 2019

    Advanced concepts needed in SQL developer interviews

    Looking for next step of your career?

    Learn SQL Server Skills. In modern era, entire applications, websites are driven by databases. The need of databases is massively increasing which in turn increases great career opportunities for database professional. Job seekers can learn SQL interview questions and all mandatory concepts to initiate their career on the profile such as database administrator, Network engineer, server management, etc. Due to huge competition in IT markets, learning basic queries are really not enough; you need to be tuned with advanced features, databases, latest concepts to deal with snag of getting higher level position.  In this blog, our main objective is to provide students with some advance level concepts of structural query languages to enhance their server skills.

    SOL is a non-procedural language operates in the form of tables comprises of different scientific queries to perform data manipulation related task. In addition to basic queries, it also facilities major data administration tasks i.e. data definition, control access, including create, drop some tables and views, delete or add some rows or columns of existing tables and many more functions. job seekers are not expected to get this basic level knowledge like syntax, select and data filtering from multiple tables, they must have in depth knowledge on Normalizations, locking, Indexing and advanced concepts because SQL professional have a great responsibility of handling huge databases. They must be so capable of handling complex issues related to databases and its optimization.

    Let’s introduce the new functionalities found in SQL in order to solve inner issues on a database:
    SQL possess some advanced functions including LAST_INSERT_ID(), IF(),CURRENT_USER(),COALESCE() , BINARY() etc.

    For data analysis, OLAP is used which includes aggregation functions and Group By clause to perform OLAP functionality for facts and trends identifications. Now, this is extended in advanced versions which facilities with ROLLUP, CUBE, and WINDOW facility to apply aggregation functions along with multiple levels, dimensions, and data respectively.

    Object-relational features:

    Earlier SQL could process fixed range of databases including integers and strings but, now it is extended with user-defined structured methods and types with object-oriented elements like polymorphism and inheritance.There are numerous other advance level features also available in SQL such as Multimedia, procedures, XML related features and many more. Before attending any database management profile, stay tuned with latest SQL frameworks, frequently asked questions, Top 30 SQL interview questions to look more confident during interview. Since Data administration profile is very responsible profile thus Recruiters are expecting expert’s professional for the sake of their organization security and growth.

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