• Thursday, October 4, 2018

    How To Start A Successful Blog Effectively

    Creating something is not a tough thing but the creation of a good thing is a little tough. In the same manner, creating a blog is an easy task but creating a successful blog is the main thing because it makes the difference. And making money and losing money is up to you, if your blog is magical then you can make money through blogging otherwise you may lose it.

    Following are some important points that will teach you how to start a successful blog and create a magical blog. They are as follows:

    Hosting and Domain Name: Hosting is the power source of your site; it provides power to your site. So the selection of best hosting is very important. Bluehost and Hostgator are normally preferred by the website owner.

    Blogging Platform: WordPress is the first choice of the blogger. Other platforms like Wix, Medium, Tumblr, Ghost, Square space, Weebly are also good for making the blog.

    Themes: A good theme plays an important role in presenting a blog. It provides special effects on the blog. So choose the good and attractive theme that will make your blog more beautiful. It is easily available in the WordPress.

    Title: If you are a beginner and want to know how to start a successful blog then this point is very important.Just like we watch the movie before knowing the title of the movie, in the same manner, the first thing the reader sees is the ‘Title’of the blog. Your title should be perfect and appropriate. Also, it should be matched with your blog.

    Content: Our Microsoft Founder-Bill Gates said, “Content is King”. He is right, unless and until your content is informative, your effort is useless. Your success rate of the blog depends upon the content of the blog.

    SEO (Search Engine Optimization): SEO is the technique to rank your blog site on the first page of the Google. If your blog is relevant but proper SEO is not done then you cannot reach to the user because the user usually clicks the website that is on the first page on the Google. So, proper SEO is the most important part of the blog. On page and off page activities can be done for this.

    Social Media: Promote your blog on the social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Whatsapp to increase the number of the visitors.

    Wordpress: You can create a magical blog through the WordPress. Just install the WordPress and then create the blog. Also, install ‘Yoast’ plugin to do the on-page SEO activities.

    So these are some important points to know how to start a successful blog. One can also make money through the blogging if the blog is useful and relevant for both user and Google because whatever the user- friendly is Google friendly and vice-versa.

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